Making Plans

Funeral arrangements are usually some of the most daunting tasks. In most cases, the arrangements take so long that loved ones fail to have enough time to say goodbye. Funeral arrangements can easily be handled in three convenient steps.

3 Simple Steps

Funeral Homes

The first of the funeral arrangements is supposed to be about the deceased. Loved ones may consider hiring a professional service to take care of all the burial activities, including arranging for the mortuary space, burial clothes, undertaker, type of casket, and the funeral home. The transportation of the body should also be arranged beforehand.

Give Notice To All

The next step of the funeral arrangements is to notify all the family and friends of the deceased. Even after posting a death notice in the obituary section, it is always good idea to contact friends and relatives personally. This not only strengthens the bond between the family members, but also brings separated ones closer to each other.

Cemetery Space

Most people don’t have their own family crypts and thus rely on cemetery plots. It is advisable to make the arrangements for the cemetery space early to give enough time for site preparations. This ensures that the deceased can be laid to rest properly. Any cemetery and grave digging paperwork should be cleared at least two days prior to the ceremony.

Advance Planning

It is actually a good idea for everyone to leave clear instructions about their funerals in wills. They should state exactly when, where and how they wish to be laid to rest. In this way, you leave your loved ones enough time to say goodbye rather than running around planning.